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GH Radio

May 30, 2014

Sam, Chris, Kevin and Rick are back this week.  We discuss what little news that is out before E3.  Just wait for the Shout Out and Eviction section of this week's episode.  Chris takes over Kevin's Rant this week.


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May 23, 2014

Sam is sick this week.  So Kevin, Chris and Rick take the controls and have a blast.  We are also joined by Donna (GT: EvilPixieGrrr) from the Pink and Deadly podcast. We talk games, games, games.


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May 16, 2014

Chris, Kevin, Rick and Sam are back this week and have some exciting news from Microsoft about the Xbox.  There is also a PC rant included in this show for your listening pleasure.  Sit back and enjoy!


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May 9, 2014

Rick, Sam, Kevin and Chris are back this week and there are some birthdays amoungst the group.  Listen to find out who is another year older.  Also, Kevin gets out the soapbox again this week and takes off. (Hint: It's not wrestling this week.)


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May 2, 2014

The guys are all back and having a blast this week on GamerHusbands Radio.  We even have Trader Joe stop by and let us know what he is up to.  Sit back and enjoy another great episode of GHR.


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