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GH Radio

Aug 28, 2009

In this, 'late posted' <sorry to all great GHR fans>, we jump into the Love Sack, and then we discuss some our ways of sharing time with the family while we also still enjoy our hobby of gaming. And Bumblb19 lets loose on a pizza delivery guy in our Eviction Notice. Don't miss this exciting episode of GHR!

Aug 21, 2009

Fresh off the heels of our Community Playdate on Xbox Live last Sunday, we go over the great time that we had. We talk about a little feed back that we had from Sunday night, jump into the Love Sack and hit a little 4 on 4. If you're looking for a good time, you've found it, in this bean flickin' episode of GHR!

Aug 14, 2009

In this episode of GamerHusbands Radio, we dive into the Love Sack, hit some quick topics, and then we finally talk about what everyone is talking about, the GamerHusbands Community Playdate on Xbox Live. Wow have our message boxes been going crazy, but we don't mind. 'Cause we are all about the community. So make sure...

Aug 7, 2009

After a long battle with technical difficulties, we gladly bring you episode 80 of GamerHusbands Radio. In this episode Alfred lays out the time line of Dead Space, we jump into the Love Sack, and we have some straight talk about Game Stops recent discounts. All this and so much more, on this episode of GHR!