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GH Radio

Apr 26, 2013

Everybodys internets are working, so the whole gang is here.  Talk about your variety of topics, and that's just what we do on this week's episode.

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Apr 19, 2013

Sam and Rick are holding down the fort this week as Kevin's internet is being craptastic.  We go over some of the news that we had left over from last week.  We also have some Lovesack and Love Tweets from our great listeners.

If you want to contact us send it to:


Apr 12, 2013

Sam, Kevin and Rick are back this week with a very special (Maybe not so special) guest.  You know him. You love him (maybe). GHR_Mavrick also known as Alfred makes his first appearance back on the show since he left.  Find out what is happening with him now and what is going on with the guys.

Want to contact us?...

Apr 5, 2013

Kevin and Rick show up for the show this week as Sam takes some Sam time.  We discuss our games and we even have some "HateMail" this week.  So join us for all the fun that is GamerHusband Radio.

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