Nov 30, 2012
It's a full house plus one on this week's episode of GamerHusbands radio. Trader Joe joins us and talks about the new Wii U. We also talk about some of the other games that we've played this week. Hope that you enjoy this week's episode.
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Nov 21, 2012
Sam and Rick are standing together this week to uphold the GamerHusbands banner. We talk a little Halo 4 and a little COD:BLOPS 2. We also discuss a Lovesack e-mail and we also find out what a few of our listeners are thankful for gaming wise this Thanksgiving. So here it is early and straight to you ears.
Nov 16, 2012
It is another week with the whole crew back. We discuss some of the games that we are playing, plus a little COD: BLOPS2 that we got to play while the servers were up. Kevin brings up the newest WWE wrestling game and things go off the rails from there. So join us for Wrestling Husbands Radio.
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Nov 9, 2012
1. Assassins Creed III
2. Assassins Creed Liberation
3. Halo 4
4. Is the holidays the last big push for the Vita?
5. Madden Minute
Lots more in the episode, but that is just some of the highlights. There is a Vita discussion in there, cause I believe that the...
Nov 2, 2012